The short story:
I am a creative problem solver with an extensive history of
‘avoiding adulthood’.
In reality, I was just struggling to find my place in the world.
A world that didn’t feel like it had a place for me.
Eventually, conventional 9-5 living and the pressures of my abundant but overwhelming social life essentially resulted in ADHD burnout
(although at the time I thought it was depression)
Fun stuff.
Following a year of reset and recovery, I am now doing my utmost to live a life less conventional in order to survive financially and mentally, avoiding at all costs becoming a lifeless conventional (again).
I am also realising (possibly a little late) that this shit doesn’t just happen.
The insufferable motivational gurus are right: I have to make it happen.
So here I go ...
Making (sh)it happen.
Read more nonsense and learn about my chaotic life in my blog
or get in touch to share your nonsense with me.
or trying to, anyway … one procrastinated step at a time.