The Blog of a life less conventional
A neurodivergent trying to survive mentally and financially, by any means necessary, avoiding the 9-5 at all costs.
After years of trying to cram myself into a 9-5-shaped box, I gave up.
Not on life or anything, but on the 9-5. Not for me, ta.
It’s not that I won’t confirm to ‘conventional living’, it’s that I can’t.
Not without severe detriment to my mental health.
I have chosen, instead, to place the detrimental harm on my bank account.
A large part of not being able to ‘conform’ is due to my ever-increasing awareness of my neurodivergence.
Sitting still, listening to people, being mentally functional and productive during set hours – nope.
I may be skint (all the time), but I am eternally happier than I ever was, and part of that is due to my ever-increasing awareness of my neurodivergence.
So, you know – swings and roundabouts.
A life less conventional isn’t a blog specifically about neurodivergence, but it will feature a lot, because my journey of self-discovery (yuk) has been a bit mind-blowing and quite frankly, life-changing.
Earning money without a job job by doing all manner of things from upcycling to invigilating, come with me as I try and make an at least moderate success of this chaotic lifestyle, while also learning more and more about my spicy little brain 🌶
If any of this absolute drivel rings true to you then I’d love to hear from you.
a life less conventional
Alternative living: a life less conventional
A Life Less Conventional is just that: my attempt to pursue alternative living, to live a life that doesn’t follow the same pattern or path we’re all lead to believe is The Way.
It’s not that I won’t “conform”, it’s that I can’t - not without detriment to myself.
I tried living as a conventional, but I was a lifeless one.
Years of avoiding adulthood followed by years of trying it out (badly) culminated in ADHD burnout and the need to completely reset my life - to take stock and figure out what does and doesn’t work for me.